Hello! My name is Tony.

At heart, I’m just a big kid from a small town.

Storytelling is an essential part of the human experience, but for me personally, it offers a freedom of expression unlike any other. I began telling stories as most people do, when they’re children with active an imagination directing the flow of play. As I grew I found that, despite having to adapt to the responsibilities of adulthood, this creative force decided to hang around for a while.

Although I work a day job to pay the bills, I fill my free time with family adventures, story-led play, and helping those around me. I used to teach Health and Physical Education at the same middle school I attended as an awkward adolescent. Since then, I’ve traveled to every habitable continent on the planet, mostly with my beloved wife, Lexie. We have two beautiful, healthy daughters and ten-year-old rabbit named Ferdinand.

Along the way, I became an amateur actor and photographer, a produced playwright, and now—thanks to Hippocampus Press, Weird House Press, WordCrafts Press, and many kind and talented people—a published author and member of the Horror Writers Association. My passion for Lovecraftian horror stems mainly from my interest in board games, one of my favorite forms of storytelling, and many of my tales are inspired by dreams.

I try to count my blessings every day and hope you have many reasons to do the same.

Be well,

Tony LaMalfa